all some diabolical.

Movie Review: The Haunting in Connecticut

The Diabolical Duo Filed Under: Labels: ,

So I checked out The Haunting in Connecticut this past weekend, and don't worry I'm not going to spoil the movie for you (we're not that diabolical). However, this unsuspecting film was billed as being based on a true story (so you know I had to see it).

Apparently, this movie was #1 in the box office, and I think its 'cause there hasn't been a horror movie out in awhile (I don't count the new Friday the 13th... some ol' bullsh!t). And I'm a huge fan of horror films*, so I had to hit it up, 'cause it seemed interesting.

*Pet Peeve: Punks - I get so upset by people who say "I hate scary movies!" or "I don't watch that stuff"... Really? My grandma watches horror movies (I guess the civil rights era was scarier than any ghost). Its not REAL!! Its a movie genre meant to screw with our natural fight or flight reaction and its AWESOME. I personally find romantic comedies that make love and courtship seem "simple and clean" to be scary and intimidating (Oh how I wish an okay looking Senator can come sweep me off my feet while I clean rooms at a hotel I couldn't afford to stay at... So, next time some punk whines about their fear of horror movies asked them whats worse? Squirming and screaming for an hour and a half or a life filled of unrealistic expectations and failed relationships? AND I'M DONE!

So back to the movie, I went into the film without much expectations, but I was pleasantly amused by the plot and the aloof characters were just waiting to get tore up by some ghost. The plot essentially was a family moves into a haunted house in Connecticut, because the oldest son was suffering with cancer and the drive back and forth between the hospital in CT and their home was too much, so they moved into a home in CT, and they got what they deserved for their impatience. But seriously, this movie was so hilarious it was scary, I recommend you go see it with some cool friends and just be loud and rude, it'll make the movie experience worth it. In general some take aways from the Haunting in CT, white folk like adventures and old homes; that why they always getting haunted by white ghosts (low-cost housing in NYC don't got no ghost, 'cause those ghosts know better than to have they triflin' asses rummaging through our sh*t, plus its too damn loud between sirens and train stops to hear all that creakin' and creepin'). Also, my kids will not be playing hide and seek (read a book/watch some TV LOL).

All in all, we here at ASB give this movie, 3 out of 5 Red Vines.

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