all some diabolical.

Obama thinks he's Cool

The Diabolical Duo Filed Under: Labels: , ,

Incidentally, while I was boozing it up at a bar in DC on Friday, President Obama was attending the Wizards game; where he did not rout for the home-team, at least not the DC team. The Wizards played the Chicago Bulls, so naturally the President routed for the Chicago crew; here's the thing, he delayed the game for a hot second and I think he may have been the Jinx in Chief (I know its corny, give me a f*cking break...). Nevertheless, the Wizards, who are that great of a team at all, beat the Chicago Bulls 113 to 90. Doop Doop.

Btw, the President is rocking that all black well, all tryna look incognito. I swear that whole White House intern thing ain't looking that bad; finally a sexy President, I Can Believe In (that wasn't as corny lol)

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1 Response to "Obama thinks he's Cool"

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